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Design you can make in 3DS Max.

 Multiple numbers of designs you can make in 3DS Max. Multiple numbers of designs are available. Interior room design, Exterior design, Office room design, Bedroom design, Living room design etc. and also for furniture's design you can make in 3DS Max. Not only these, many more designs you can make, but to tell it more time will go and will become more complicated. All these types of designs can be make by practicing and practicing more & more. 

I have also made various types of designs, such as office room, bedroom, house design interior, house design exterior, also with the modifier tools, such as, sofa design, wall designs, railing designs, column design and many more. It will be going on telling and telling, but nothing could be understand. There's a one type of design, which I have completed in 2 weeks. 


It's a office room design and it seems to be simple. But to make this this design it took me so many days. Just to identify it or think it, seems to be simple. But when you are new and creating something of your own, with your own creativity & skills, it will get to know you, how easy or time-taking the work is. Sometimes all those furniture's fixes it properly, while sometimes it gets mis-matched. Sometimes the color seems to be properly feeded, while sometimes it gets dark. And many more problem arises, as well as also many more solutions are also there.

Interior Design of a Bedroom

This is also a one type of design that I have made, by seeing a tutorial video. It's very glossy and really appreciating type of design that I have seen. Maybe it's not attractive in mine, but in the video it's really attractive. And so I have also tried to make it. I have learnt lots of tips & tricks here and so coming to do it real next time. It's very amazing and overwhelming to look at. (Once again, not in mine but in tutorial video) 

Exterior House design in 3DS Max

A 3D Residential view of building design that I have designed in 3DS Max for the first time, with my own skills and creativity. All those furniture's', car, man etc. are available in Google, in a site called "artist 3D". You can download it from there. After that you just import it and place it in the required position. 

And also many more designs I have made, by seeing all those tutorial videos. Some designs I have made manually, while some designs are free hand made. 

Such as like this type of design you have to make manually by using Loft tool. 
And these are designs of free hand. Just draw and give the appearance or material. Appearance can be given by the modifier lists. 

For making the designs manually you can watch this tutorial video. Click here  to watch this or you click on the video given below. 


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