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RE Wall Designer

 Hi there! after so many days I am again back here. Can't make any blogs for 4 months just because I am nowhere. Just moving around here and there, lack of time & confidence, just come from work and then sleep. Finally I am back to this field and promise to give you blogs week by week. Doesn't matter how tired I am. Work is work & duty is duty. Doesn't matters how difficult or tough your job is. 

So I am in a new job now, it's about making RE Wall or you can say making a Flyover/ over-bridge. I am new to this field and got lots of idea by working here. Sometimes I get really hard to know, how to make this, or how it will be made. Like as I am confused about my work. Sometimes I get very to make something. Because in that we only need calculation to know it. How much bars we need, what will be the spacing, how much concrete require in CM (Cubic Meter). Whereas sometimes the things are basically new for for me.

Nothing else to be worried about whether things are new or old. Just matters how precisely/ wisely we can do the work. How smartly I can handle it. 

These are the types of panel.

Now a days I am in the work of panel casting which is about M35 grade. In there the molds come of required size and shape. Only just you have to fit it tight and make the reinforcement bars as per given drawing. 

These are the molds & the reinforcement bars and spacings are given on the drawing. You should have to make your own assumptions and utilize to skills to originate it/ to make it. 

All these skills need your implementations and strategies. The strategy is about your knowledge and power i.e., how you understand it and how you will be able to explain the workers. For these type of work you should have to be smart enough. How you implement your skills and knowledge all things are to be seemed here. How you will be able to carry out your work, that is main important to be noticed.

Since I have worked in this field, so I have got some experience of this kind of work. I am the alone person to handle these. In every site they keep one Engineer to look after this work. It's like you are inspector of the site. You are there for site inspection. Every work you should have to notice and every work should be clearly determined.

But then also there is one question, what will happen if you don't get any idea about the work that is new for you. No need to worry for that. Because for every work training is main. So the company will provide training for this. Then also what will happen if you forget it, or doesn't get any idea how to handle these. For that also you have solution. From company they will send a experience holder who knows something about it, they will come and advise you how to carry forward the work. They will guide you. And you should have to implement those skills by yourself. 

Every work has a problem and every work has a solution. So never mind if you failed to find a solution in any kind of work. Just ask your seniors or experienced holders how to resolve it. And how you can further proceed with your work. 


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