Before I start about this topic I would like to say you that this is the first Exterior Design I have made in Revit as well as the Interior Design also. You can see the images I have made. Well I will show you that.
Oh! wait not all the images at once. But before I saw you all these I would like to tell one thing that I have waited patiently for 2-3 years till I got to know. Because before I used to see those images and thought of when my day will come, when I will also be capable to make all these designs. I downloaded Revit many times. But the same condition arises, installation failed or license not found like that and bla, bla bla. I don't know what to do. But later I watch Civil Guruji and there they launched an Online Course and from there only I used to learn all those things. And also some videos' from You Tube also. My attention at that time was only learn, learn and learn. But I never gave up. Because at this learning age if I don't learn now then later on I will be lacking behind. So, now is the only perfect time to learn.
There are many Rendering images which I have made, but these are not perfect or mind blowing. Then also I will show you. No need to worry. Because at first first these happens. Later on after practicing you can able to become perfect. So, the images are.......
Then also we everybody knows that "Practice Makes Man Perfect". So there is no need to worry about it how bad or good the designs are. There are some Interior Designs also. Wait that will also I will show you. But first rate my images 😀😀😀😀. I know what you will say. Then also no problem.
There is also one Exterior Design which I will show you. With swimming pool, plants, trees and all that. That is also the Exterior Design I have made by seeing the You Tube. Wait, wait not exactly from You Tube but I used the idea of designs that are being shown their. The design is mine but the idea of texturing and rendering I saw it from You Tube. Wait, this is the image.......
Now let's talk about Interior Designs. Let me know how many of you are there who knows Interior Design in very realistic and elegant way. So that the eye-sight is attracted to it and keeps on looking and looking at the image only. Wait many of you know it well while many of you are learning. Well, definitely I am also learning. Then also I will saw you the images that I have made.
Don't smile, don't laugh because this is the first time I have made. But rather on practicing I will be able to make awesome and attractive.
So these are some of the specific designs that I have showed it to you. If you are also interested then there are many realistic videos' in You Tube and you can learn very easily.
Thank you. Bye, bye see you in the next blog.
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