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 Timber is nothing but a wood, which is used for engineering works, such as shuttering, veneers, plywood etc. and many other uses. It can be classified into three distinct categories. Crown, Roots, Trunks.

  • The outer layer between the heart wood and cambium layer constitutes the sap wood.
  • A thin layer of sap wood in between the sap and inner bark is referred as cambium layer.
  • The central most dark portion of the tree is called pith.
  • The thin radial fibers extending from the pitch upto the cambium layer holding annual rings from the heartwood and sap are called medullary rays.
  • Outer protecting layer protecting the cambium layer of tree is known as bark.
Classification of trees:-

1) Exogenous trees:-  These trees increase in bulk in outward direction. These trees can be classified as conifers and deciduous trees. Examples of such trees are deodar, pine, oak, sal, teak etc.
2) Endogenous trees:-  These trees grow in bulk in inward direction. They possess fibrous mass along their longitudinal direction. Examples of such trees are bamboo, cane, palm etc.

Felling of timber:-
The process of cutt6ing down of trees is called felling of timber. This should be done at proper time when tree has attained 50-100 years of age. 

Seasoning of timber:-

A newly fell tree nearly contains 50% of water than its dry weight. It is needed to dry before using it. Seasoning is done to remove sap and moisture present in it so that it can be used as fuel, transportation, less chances to crack and shrink, even more resistance from fungi and insects.
Seasoning can be done naturally, artificially, kiln seasoning and water seasoning. But Kiln seasoning is the best method of seasoning of timber (temp'r -(35-38)°C).

Conversion of Timber:-
The process of converting timber into required shape and size is called conversion of timber. Few methods of conversion of timber are ordinary sawing, quarter sawing, tangential sawing, rift or radial sawing etc. For better learning you can visit this site click here

Preservation of Timber:-

It is done to increase the life of timber to make it more resistant against the attack of insects, fungi etc. 
AsCu treatment increases resistance against white ants. Mixture of Arsenic pentoxide, copper sulphate, potassium chromate etc.
Oil paint also increases durability & resistance against water.
Coal tar is also used. It is same as that of oil paint but gives unpleasant smell πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„.
Creosote oil :- This is known as Betheis process which is obtained from distillation of tar. It doubles the life of timber.

Uses of timber:-
Teak wood:- Ship building, superior quality furniture.
Sal:- Railway sleepers, durable under-water bridges etc.
Mango:- cheap furniture, packing boxes, ship cabinets, toys etc.
Mahagony:- boat, musical instruments etc.
Bamboo:- decorative purposes, scaffolding, temporary bridges, paper, flute, window binds, fishing rods, ladders, carving etc.
Shisham:- wooden moulds.

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