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 As we all know that Karl Van Terzaghi is the Father of Soil Mechanics after his research and techniques and behaviour of the soil particles. It is derived from the Latin word solium. 

He defined soil mechanic as follows "Soil mechanics is the application of laws of mechanics and hydraulics to engineering problems dealing with sediments and other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the mechanical and chemical disintegration of rocks regardless of whether or not they contain an admixture or organic constituents."

But do you know how are soils formed? As a Civil Engineer you should have to clearly define about the formation of soil. Because all infrastructures are built on the earth or soil. Well soil is formed by the decomposition and disintegration of rocks which are laid down for about million of years. The disintegration of rocks is caused by:-  

a) Mechanical weathering    b) Chemical weathering      c) Biological weathering


Based on the color and type, soil is classified in various types. Leaving from the engineering point of view and identifying as normal person you see various types of soil such as muddy soil, dry soil, river soil, glacier soil, hard soil etc. But all these are identified in practical field as in the site. But as you see from the engineering point of view you find different types of soil which you had learnt in your college life. But these things are going to be discussed later.

Muddy soil:-  These type of soil is seen in dam, sewage water, waste water or the soil accumulated by bacteria. Basically it is seen in nala where waste water is allowed to flow from community or houses.

Hard soil:-  These type of soil is found in hilly areas or in village areas. In these type of soil the water is overpoured by natural calamities over years and years and no shrinkage or loose particles formed over them. These type of soil is also found in villages, houses, remote sensing areas and everywhere. Oh! sorry sorry not everywhere, actually it is found in the areas where people lived, as well as in your area also.

Dry soil:-   This type of soil is basically found in deserts and in some other places where temperature is high. Basically all these types of soil not used for land cultivation. 

Glacier soil:- These type of soil is found in mountaneous region where ice bergs or snow falls. It gives a warm and attractive welcome for the new person or tourists who visits there. 

River soil:-  From the word river only you can identify that these type of soil is found in river beds. These type of soil is basically used for building purposes and it has strong bearing capacity. 

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