You might have wondered that after growing up and making lots and lots of money you will build up a house of your own with nice outfits, tiles covering and many more. But do you know how much does ceramic tiles cost? Do you know how much time does it take to fit one ceramic tile? Well there are lots of question arise and even what are the facilities you should have to provide to the mistry for fitting up the tiles.
Let us first discuss about the facilities that you should have to provide to the tile fixing mistry for fitting up the tiles i.e., water, cement and electricity. Because without these nothing is going to work out. At some points of time you should also have to provide light if the room is dark or sunlight dosen;t enters. But water is must because before fixing the tile on the wall first it is soaked in water for making it wet. After that it is taken out of water and placed it at a dry place so that it remains moist and unwanted water drops down. Oh wait, you should have to place the tile in standing position beside the wall so that max. water drops down. After that it is brought and cement slurry paste is mixed behind the tile so that it attains maximum adhesive force to stick it on the wall. As one tile is fixed the process is repeated until completion of the room.
The cost of varies according to size and shape and also from place to place, cities to cities. But in one pouch it consists of 6 tiles and cost of each pouch is Rs 80 (specially for ceramic tiles). But be careful that no packet should be torn out, otherwise there might be a crack at the edge of the tile. However before bringing any tile it should be checked out first which tile you want to use what design you want. Otherwise for different rooms, floor, wall it is different.
For fitting up each and every ceramic tile the time taken varies according to the surface edge and extension. If the cement slurry is tight you should have to made it light by mixing water in it. If there is any outer edge or the tile fixing is not supplementary supported then you should have to cut it with the help of cutter machine. There may be also many errors in fixing also which otherwise also have to be removed and later on adjust it again.
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