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 Does any body knows what does this term means? Well everybody has the answer and yes, everybody wants success their in life. But how? Just by thinking or ready to take action for what you are thinking for? Well I understand the problems, that you want to start but not sure from where to start or may be you are facing some difficulties by some other work. But remember one thing everybody in this world earns for their living. Some of them generate passive income while some are dependent about others "when the boss will give them salary". But neither nor everybody thinks about bringing something new to their life. 

In this 2021 digital world their many sources of living where you can earn independently with your own power. You Tube is the best business in this 21st century. There are other sources of business also such as Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing etc. Becoming a Web Developer, App Developer, Software Developer, Python, GUI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science and many other incomes you can generate these days. Blogging, WordPress, CAD drafting and designing, 3D Animation, Rendering etc. are all sources of major income that you can earn by yourselves. 

If you have heard about Freelancer, Truelancer, Fivver, Upwork, Canva are all sources of income that you can earn by yourselves. But all these works which I have talked about requires your effort and dedication and it may take about 1 to 2 years for your achievement. Because for every work you have loss and gain. But never be upset for your loss of time and energy. Always think positive and work with consistency. 

Let us not talked much. Since this is a website of construction so let us discuss about achievement and business in construction industry. If I want to tell you one thing from where crores and crores of income can be generated then believe me it's in construction industry. There are many things to be learnt in construction industry but you cannot generate all things in once. For example if you learn AutoCAD, 3D Designing and Drafting then you can earn lakhs and lakhs of rupees by providing many plans and designing's to the clients. There are also some other skills you can learn such as estimation, SURVEYING and many more. The word SURVEYING I have written in capital letters because this is the huge income that the surveyors are generating these days. The more you do hard work in this field the more you can earn. This is an income of about lakhs and lakhs of rupees. By learning all these skills you can open a farm of your own and can generate a huge income in life. 

Well there are many more to discuss about this construction field but if I discuss one by one this article will be long and you will feel bored. Let's describe in short. You all know that the Residential Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Malls, Cinema Halls, Stadium, Clubs etc. and etc. are all made by Civil Engineers (the builders of this world). Road, Embankment, Railways, Metro,  Bridges, Tunnels, Dams, Canals, Airports, Seaports etc. and etc. are all build by Civil Engineers. Studying of Earthquake and it's seismology, Environmental Hazards are all knowledge of Civil Engineers. And in all this work SURVEYING is required. So easily you can open a SURVEYING farm after learning survey from a well known institute. 

There are lots of things to tell you about living a independent life of yourself. But before living you should have to learn. Because learning is the only key to power. Without learning you can't achieve your goal. But the most ultimate thing required is your hard work and dedication; and step by step you can be able to earn. But the knowledge you can get from construction site can make you expert in 2 years or even more than that. So learn all the basic things that you get to know. Just imagine if can become a builder and earning lakhs, crores of rupees and living in a house with full of securities. Just imagine that floor by floor you building your own garage, court to play, gym etc. and etc.


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